Welcome to The Q!

This will be my personal collection of websites that can be ran on older hardware. The Internet Archive (will soon) be a major contributor to this, as well as websites that haven't been updated since the early 2010s.


These website should ideally work with most browsers 2008 and newer.

palemoon.org The Pale Moon Project Web browser focused on privacy
frogfind.com FrogFind! Search engine that can list and display websites optimized
openhandsetalliance.com Open Handset Alliance Consortium for mobile open standards
dpgraph.com DPGraph "Dynamic Photorealistic 3D Graphing Software for Math and Physics Visualization"
aliweb.com Aliweb Named the web's oldest search engine
example.com Example.com Website hosted for domain examples
us.wii.com Wii.com Website for the beloved Wii console
wiimmfi.de Wiimmfi Revival of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service
dsipaint.com DSi Paint Portal for games, chatrooms, and a drawing web app for DSi Browser
3dspaint.com 3DS Paint Ditto, but for the 3DS Browser
hullbreachonline.com HullBreach "browser-based space MMORPG for the Nintendo Wii", login required
wiinet.xyz WiiNet Portal for games, videos, and extras for the Internet Channel
wben.accu-weather.com AccuWeather Forecasts from AccuWeather
discross.rc24.xyz Discross Frontend for Discord servers, Discorss bot required in them
dslreports.com/speedtest Speed test
with DSLReports
Test network speed
problemkaputt.de No$Fun View emulation and debugging software made by No$Cash, an interesting fellow.

Flash Games

These games work with the Internet Channel

Bubble Shooter


Keyboard needed


What browsers are used for testing?

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • NetFront Browser NX 3.0 (Wii U Internet Browser)
  • Opera 9.50 (Nintendo DSi Browser)
  • Opera 9.30 (Internet Channel, both in Wii and vWii)
  • Why are some websites not compatible?

    It could be certificates or the HTTPS enforcement, but I'm not exactly sure.
    For archived websites I am trying to see if grabbing the HTML will work.

    Why are the Flash games only for Internet Channel?

    The Internet Channel is the only one with Flash,
    I have heard that Flash has a timebomb but that is not the case with the Wii.

    /games /img /sites /404 /q.css /styling